Home and Away【電子書籍】[ Jack Dunn ]

<p>In the days leading up to the battle of gettysburg in the civil war two young men find their lives intertwined. sterling louchs a student at the pennsylvania agricultural college is making his way home following the cancellation of classes as a result of the confederate invasion. benjamin taylor flees from his master in west virginia when it is admitted as a free state into the union. For several days they travel together while avoiding confederate troops. Arriving at sterling's home on the eve of the battle of gettysburg they find help in arranging for benjamin's travel to a location far from his previous life of servitude. In the aftermath of the battle sterling is witness to the horror of war. His father's untimely death brings to an end his pursuit of more education and elevates his role to the head of household.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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