
TOP > (12) - 柑橘類の魔法の匂いを除去する空気清浄機トロピカルライム、100ml【楽天海外直送】 - (12) - Citrus Magic Odour Eliminating Air Freshener Tropical Lime, 100ml

(12) - 柑橘類の魔法の匂いを除去する空気清浄機トロピカルライム、100ml【楽天海外直送】 - (12) - Citrus Magic Odour Eliminating Air Freshener Tropical Lime, 100ml

(12) - Citrus Magic Odour Eliminating Air Freshener Tropical Lime, 100mlPackage Quantity: 12Odour Eliminating Citrus Air Freshener Lasts 4 Times Longer 100% Natural Made With Organic Citrus Oil Non-AerosolCitrus Magic is a 100% natural Premium Concentrate made from the purified, active oils taken from the peels of citrus fruit. No fillers, water, or man-made chemicals of any kind are used in Citrus Magic. Ordinary aerosol air fresheners are made of water, gas, and a few drops of perfume. That's why Citrus Magic lasts at least 4 times longer than ordinary fresheners.... and does so much more! Citrus Magic works in seconds to eliminate the toughest odours!Citrus Magic is safe around people and pets, so enjoy the magic in your home, office, or car!Citrus Magic is ideal for any tough odour! Smoke odours, food odours, carpet odours, musty smells, pet odours, litter boxes, garbage cans, garbage disposals, bathrooms, sinks, drains, mildew odours.Special Container: Citrus Magic's non-aerosol spray container provides all the convenience of an aerosol without the disadvantages. Citrus Magic is sealed in the container's interior, airtight pouch to maintain freshness. This pouch is surrounded by pressurised, purified air which squeezes the 100% natural product into the air when the button is pressed. The container is recyclable. Directions Spray Citrus Magic high into the air, in the centre of any room and away from face. Within seconds, odours will be dissolved, and the light scent of fresh-cut citrus will remain for some time. Citrus Magic can easily be used to deodorise and freshen many rooms at once by spraying into a handy air return duct while the fan is running. Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Fragrance: Tropical LimeCitrus Magic Citrus Magic Odour Eliminating Air Freshener Lime 100ml Air Freshener------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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空気清浄機 関連ツイート