The Rub?iy?t of Omar Khayy?mFirst and Fifth Editions【電子書籍】[ Edward FitzGerald ]
<p>Omar Khayy?m (1048?1122) was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, and a philosopher who was not known as a poet in his lifetime. Later, a body of quatrains became attached to his name, although not all were his works. These verses lay in obscurity until 1859, when Edward FitzGerald (1809?1883), an English country gentleman, published a free adaptation of this Persian poetry. After its discovery by D. G. Rossetti and others, the verse became extremely popular. Essentially a hedonist and a skeptic, Omar Khayy?m, through FitzGerald, spoke with both an earthy and spiritual freedom that stirred a universal response. As a result, the <em>Rub?iy?t</em> became one of the best-known and most often quoted English classics. The fifth edition, published posthumously in 1889, was based on FitzGerald's handwritten changes in a copy of the fourth edition, and is traditionally printed with the first edition.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:119円
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foma 関連ツイート
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@tk_foma 2018/07/09 21:41
@yamadajtaro 2018/07/09 18:30
RT @TF4316hiroshima: 広島県竹原市のほぼ全域でドコモのLTE回線,FOMA回線が使えない状況になっています。
@kayamomoya 2018/07/08 17:21