Our Animal Life【電子書籍】[ Geraldo Simas ]
<p>What are the goals we have in life? There are many diverging opinions on the subject, but nothing that could be said to be definitely true. However, the actions taken during our lives are always related to only two truly overarching goals: survival and procreation. Nothing surprising here, it’s exactly the same as with any other animal.</p> <p> Bringing this simple yet oft overlooked reality to life could clear up several aspects of human behavior, thus demystifying theories and significantly improving our understanding of each other.</p> <p> The comparison presented here with different daily situations is a simple exercise, yet it contains many instructive lessons. Despite this being a work of fiction, the concepts expressed herein are real and even somewhat pointed. It’s up to each individual to examine them and come to his or her own conclusions. That is the challenge.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:91円
- レビュー件数:0件
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imas 関連ツイート
@imas_cg_ml 行きますよー
@PrintempsYukarl 2018/06/13 22:59
@yupDeath444 つよ
@kyoto__imas 2018/06/13 23:02
RT @akiko_lawson: \ #たまご・スムージー無料プレゼント !/
@imas_cg_siburin 2018/06/13 23:00
10日間連続! フォロー&リツイートで応募♪ 今日はグリーンスムージーが抽選で1万名様にその場で当たります♪
9日目は6/14 10:59まで。 #ローソン #ごちろう https://t.co/…